Case Study Video 014f. The Plan-Do-Study-Act cycle is used to improve year 6 students' experience of PE.
Roxburgh Homestead Primary School in Melbourne, Victoria, began their Quality Learning journey in 2000 as part of the Quality in Schools initiative.
The Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle is a structured process of improvement. Beginning with clear purpose, goals and a vision of excellence, a plan is formulated. The plan is enacted and the results are studied with a view to determining further action. This example relates to improvement to Physical Education in year 6.
This case study is unlike others in the Case Study Series, in that it comprises a collection of short stories rather than a single narative. Other short stories include:
Capacity Matrices:
Plan-Do-Stud-Act (PDSA):
Quality Criteria:
System Mapping:
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