Foundations in Quality Learning

Foundations in Quality Learning
 is designed to build the capacity of school communities,
regions, district offices and education systems to continually improve. 

 The initiative is designed around a ‘Leading Learning’ Team from the school/district/region participating in the seminars. It is common for several schools to learn together. 

The size of the team will vary according to the size of the school. (As a rule of thumb, we recommend that the number of staff on the team approximately equal the square root of the number of staff at the school.) Structuring team sizes in this manner helps build a ‘critical mass’ of understanding of the Quality Learning philosophy across the school. It aids team members’ support of one another during, and after, the seminars.

School support visits are designed to provide 'just in time' support to the team. 


Principles and Systems

Foundations In Quality LearningThe two-day Principles and Systems seminar aims to:

  • introduce the Quality Learning philosophy and selected Quality Learning tools
  • build commitment to Quality Learning as a philosophy
  • introduce the principles as a basis for school self-assessment and improvement
  • introduce Systems Thinking
  • introduce the System Map as it applies to the whole school, classroom and other activities.

Processes and Data 

The two-day Processes and Data seminar aims to:

  • explore the critical issue of motivation – intrinsic and extrinsic
  • introduce the Capacity Matrix as a key tool for supporting student responsibility for learning
  • introduce Statistical Thinking and the use of data to drive improvement
  • highlight the importance of removing blame and improving processes as keys to improvement.

Structured Improvement Process

Plan-Do-Study-Act StoryboardThe two-day Structured Improvement Process Seminar aims to:

  • initiate use of the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle as a basis for evidence-based improvement
  • gain experience with the 9-step PDSA improvement process
  • introduce the concept of pro-active school Process Management and the School Process Reference Model
  • introduce the PDSA Review framework.

Consolidate and Celebrate 

The two-day Consolidate and Celebrate Semiar aims to:

  • consolidate and extend learning, based on the needs of participants
  • consider the issue of sustaining continuous improvement
  • re-cap key concepts, methods and tools
  • acknowledge and celebrate progress and success
  • agree next steps. 

Quality Learning Seminar

The four-day Quality Learning Seminar with David Langford is a key component of Foundations in Quality Learning. Schools frequently choose to send additional staff to this seminar each year. 

School Support Visits

School support visits are conducted regularly, typically twice per year. These visits aim to:

  • provide specific and individualised support to school leaders and team members
  • support school leaders to review the key improvement-enabling school leadership processes
  • agree and support implementation of a measurement framework for the school
  • support ongoing development of a school process management and documentation system.


 Contact QLA to discuss your needs and how we might support you.